Notes: Flexbox
Introduction to Flexbox
Flexbox is a one-dimensional model that only deals with one dimension at a time: row or column. However, it often produces two-dimensional layouts because it has a wrap property that allows elements to wrap around, giving the appearance of multiple rows or columns.
To use Flexbox, we need to apply the following properties
Set parent container to
display: flex
to column or row:flex-direction: column | row
To distribute children along the primary axis:justify-content: center
To distribute children along the cross-axis:align-items: center
Flex Row Example
Items are laid out by row and are centered across the row using justify-content.
Column Flex Example
Items are laid out by column and are centered across the row using align-items.
Flex Box Wrap
The ability for this one-dimensional layout to wrap is what makes this a good choice for Responsive websites. In the code below, we have set up a centered, row wrap.
The result on a screen wider than 600 px is shown below.
The result on a screen less than 600px is this:
This ability to spread content on a larger screen and contract to a single row on a smaller screen makes Flex so helpful when creating responsive web pages.
Centering Content on a Page Using FlexBox
To center the elements on a page using FlexBox, we use the flex-direction:column
to line up the element in a column. The align-items property lines up elements on the cross-axis, so horizontally.
The code below demonstrates how to apply box model properties to achieve centered content.
The result is a page where the header and paragraph are both centered.
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