Design, Create, and Publish a Chrome Extension
Create a chrome extension.
Last updated
Create a chrome extension.
Last updated
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Create and Publish a Chrome Browser Extension
This learning guide uses an example of a Chrome Extension that I created while studying Cybersecurity. There are so many phishing attacks carried out these days. So much is left to the user to exercise restraint when clicking a link. The instruction is usually given that to help avoid phishing, hover over links and see if they are suspect before clicking on them. As an application developer, I felt that creating a browser extension might help to reveal what's programmed in a link. My extension generates a popup window with a report describing all the attributes in the user's web page links. It also shows red and green indicators for all possible problems a link might have based on the attributes in the element.
I used Chrome to create the extension. When I discovered that Chrome had created a new extension version and that the manifest and code requirements had changed, I used this opportunity to make a guide to help me remember how I designed, coded and published the extension.
I shared a link to this guide in a blog post about phishing.
This guide was created using GitBook. The Chrome Extension was coded using HTML, JavaScript, and CSS.